portrait image of Dumisile


I'm Dumisile.
I am a London based Backend Engineer and aspiring Fullstack Developer.

See Projects


Current Skill-Set:

  • 🐍Python
  • 🌶Flask
  • 🐬SQL

Incoming Skills

  • Javascript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • </>HTML
  • #️⃣CSS

My Work


screengrab of the Horiseon webpage


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Jake's Eatery

preview image of Jake's Eatery webpage

A static webpage for a restaurant made with HTML and CSS.

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CSS Cheatsheet

preview image of CSS Cheatsheet

CSS Cheatsheet showcasing CSS Grid skills made with HTML and CSS.

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Prework Study Guide

preview image of Study Guide project

A static webpage study guide for Students starting the Edx Bootcamp made with HTML and CSS.

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Javascript Calculator

preview image of CSS Cheatsheet

A calculator made with Javacript,HTML and, CSS

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About Me

I am a career changer who is relatively new to software engineering/development. I completed bootcamps where I have demonstrated my Python backend development skills. Namely, the CFGDegree with Code First Girls as well as the Fullstack Nanodegree by Udacity. I am currently completing a Frontend bootcamp to gain those much needed skills to be a well-rounded Fullstack Developer. If you like what you have seen feel free to connect with me on my GitHub,LinkedIn, email or via the contact me form below.

Contact Me

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